World Population Day was established as July 11 in 1989 by a council of the United Nations. It’s a day to look at and consider all the issues that exist around population such as significant growth, poverty and youth challenges. With World Population Day having just passed, it’s a great time to look at the U.N.’s theme for this year of “Investing in Teenage Girls.”
Around the world teenage girls face a number of health issues – some common like motherhood and some uncommon like education or survival in combat. Healthcare products like foam support and cushioning play a part in the health care of many patients in regions where healthcare is affordable, available and accessible. We want to see every teenage girl around the world have access to the healthcare she needs whether it’s help with PMS symptoms, nutritional counseling or healing of a trauma.
Take a few moments to consider how you can bring better healthcare and wellness to teenage girls locally and globally as we reflect on world population day.